On Monday, Sushmita Sen and the film’s creators unveiled the trailer for Taali. The new web series’ trailer sheds light on the courageous gender transformation of transgender activist Shreegauri Sawant, her path to motherhood, and the struggle that resulted in the third gender leading to inclusion into every document in India.
The actor controls the screen from her very first scene on, which compels you to see uncomfortable events with empathy. The talented actress Sushmita is as tough as the unyielding Shreegauri Sawant and meets every challenge head-on, whether she desires to have children since she was in school, her physical transition from Ganesh to Gauri, or her decision to join the transgender community and fight for their rights in the Supreme Court.
Sushmita Sen shared the teaser and stated, “Gauri aa gayi hai. Apne swabhimaan, sammaan aur swatantrata ki kahaani lekar. #Taali – Bajayenge nahi, bajwayenge! Taali on JioCinema, streaming free 15 August onwards.”
Kartik D. Nishandar and Arjun S. Baran are the creators and producers of the show. The script for Taali was penned by Kshitij Patwardhan and directed by Ravi Jadhav. The show will start streaming on August 15th at Jio Cinemas.
Source: Instagram