Salman Khan, a famous Bollywood superstar, is one of the stars who saw enormous success when he entered the television industry. The reality show on Indian television, Bigg Boss, was hosted by the Bhaijaan of Hindi cinema, who gained enormous popularity. Salman Khan did not appear in the first season of Bigg Boss OTT, the popular show’s digital version.
Salman Khan has revealed that he will return to digital media with the eagerly awaited program’s second season in the intriguing first promo for Bigg Boss OTT 2. Salman Khan and Bigg Boss fans are ecstatic about welcoming the star host to the show’s digital version after the first season’s innovative yet controversial format caused quite a stir.
Bigg Boss OTT 2 is reportedly scheduled to premiere in June 2023. However, the precise release date has yet to be disclosed. Several well-known individuals from the Hindi cinema and television industries are reportedly on the list of contenders. The sources also claim that the show is anticipated to run for more than three months.
Source: Twitter