The successful show Udaariyaan has achieved a new milestone, sending producers Ravie Dubey and Sargun Mehta into a frenzy. The programme has now aired 600 episodes and has grabbed fans’ hearts since its debut.
Ravie and Sargun both shared the good news on their social media accounts. Sargun also published images of the partying on the set.
Ravie Dubey captioned his post, “600 Episodes of Udaariyaan shukr shukr shukr #udaariyaan @sargunmehta @dreamiyata @colorstv @thetwinklearora @hitesh_bharadwaj @rohitpurohit08 @sonakshbatra @6_ankitgupta @priyankachaharchoudhary @isha__malviya @karanvgrover @dropofsunshine31 @6_ankitgupta @priyankachaharchoudhary @isha__malviya @srmanjain @dannyalagh @preetjrajput @kavita_ghai #ankurbhatia @khanaltaf11 @rajugauli79 @rohitdwi8 @uttam_ahlawat_ @vivek.sharma.ambala @bizasialive @kundan243 @kee_ta_22 @vinitachuglani @ritu_goel_joyful @rajeshwriterchawla @mitali.bhattacharya.921 #romzee #raechel #fatejo #jasfa #WeeklyQuantumLeap”
Also, the programme will now be broadcast seven days a week. The devoted viewers of the show are thrilled to hear this.
The Dreamiyata Entertainment film Udaariyaan, starring Hitesh Bharadwaj, Isha Malviya, Twinkle Arora, Sonakshi Batra, and others, emphasises family values, love, and friendship.
Udaariyaan was recently recognised with “The Best Story Program” honour at the 22nd Indian Television Academy (ITA) Awards 2022, which just took place.
Source: Social Media