Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor reportedly play the roles of Goddess Sita and Lord Ram in Nitesh Tiwari’s highly anticipated film Ramayana. Kangana Ranaut has responded to these reports. According to rumors’, Yash is in talks to play Raavan. On Saturday, Kangana shared a lengthy post criticizing the film’s casting to her Instagram Stories. Kangana will also appear, incidentally, in the movie The Incarnation: Sita.
Kangana stated, “Recently, I am hearing news about another coming up, Bolly Ramayana… Where a skinny white rat (so-called actor) who desperately needs some sun tan and conscience; he is infamous for doing nasty underhand PR about almost everyone in the industry… known for womanizing and drug addiction after desperately trying to prove himself Lord Shiva in a trilogy (which no one watched or want to make more parts of) has now grown fancy to be Lord Rama…”
She further said, “Whereas a young southern superstar who is known to be self-made, a devoted family man, a traditionalist also according to Valmiki ji description he looks more like Lord Rama in his complexion, demeanour and facial features… is offered to play Ravana…What kind of Kalyuga is this?? No pale-looking druggie soy boy should play Lord Rama …. Jai Shri Ram(with folded hands emojis).”
Kangana later included a danger sticker in her next Instagram Stories. She added, “If you hit me once, I will hit you till you dead!!! Don’t mess with me. Stay away!!!!”
Despite not mentioning Ranbir’s name, Kangana made it clear that she was referring to him by saying the Ramayan casting rumours and subtly mentioning Ranbir’s movie Brahmastra. Fans will remember the actor’s portrayal of Shiva in the Ayan Mukerji movie.
Source: Instagram