Sirf Ek Bandaa Kaafi Hai, or Bandaa starring Manoj Bajpayee, will be screened at the prestigious New York Indian Film Festival. The veteran star just dropped a video post expressing his excitement.
Sharing the video post on his social media, Manoj captioned it, “#Bandaa is coming to New York! Special Screening at the New York Indian Film Festival (@nyindianfilmfest). Looking forward to seeing you all at Village East by Angelika, New York, at 3 PM for the screening and Q&A session. Premieres on #ZEE5, this 23rd May #BandaaOnZEE5 #SirfEkBandaaKaafiHain @zee5 @apoorvsinghkarki01 @vinod.bhanushali @suparnverma @bsl_films @zeestudiosofficial #KamleshBhanushali @asif.shaikh1405 @the_vishal_gurnani @juhiparekhmehtaofficial @arjunkukreti #DeepakKingrani @manish_kalra_ @zee5global @practicalproductions__ @prmotionpictures”
Bandaa is one of the biggest legal courtroom dramas directed by Apoorv Singh Karki tells the story of an ordinary man – a high court lawyer who single-handedly fought an extraordinary case for the rape of a minor under the POCSO act and dragged a high-profile guru to jail.
Suparn S. Varma wrote the screenplay, while Vinod Bhanushali, Kamlesh Bhanushali, Asif Sheikh, Vishal Gurnani, and Juhi Parekh Mehta produced it.
The launch of Sirf Ek Bandaa Kaafi Hai is scheduled for May 23, 2023, on Zee5.
Source: Social Media