The trailer for Chhaava, starring Vicky Kaushal, will be released today. The makers have also unveiled captivating posters of the leading characters ahead of time. Fans are thrilled by Akshaye Khanna’s look as Emperor Aurangzeb. The periodical drama’s premiere date is slated for February 14, 2025.
Vicky Kaushal posted the posters of Emperor Aurangzeb on Tuesday. He captioned the post by writing, “Darr aur dehshat ka naya chehra – Presenting #AkshayeKhanna as Mughal Shahenshah Aurangzeb, the ruthless ruler of the Mughal Empire! #ChhaavaTrailer out tomorrow. Releasing in cinemas on 14th February 2025.”
On Tuesday, Rashmika Mandanna took to her social media handles and shared posters of her ‘Maharani Yesubai’ look from the movie. In the posters, the actress undergoes a striking transformation, exuding regality as she dons a saree and traditional jewellery. While one poster features Rashmika’s radiant smile, she appears visibly upset and tense in the other, leaving us intrigued about her character’s journey.
The historical drama Chhaava centers on the life of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s son, Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj. Vicky Kaushal will portray the eldest son of the founder of the Maratha kingdom, Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj. Akshaye Khanna, Ashutosh Rana, and Divya Dutta also play important roles in the movie. Akshaye Khanna’s character, Emperor Aurangzeb, is a pivotal figure in Indian history, known for his ruthless rule over the Mughal Empire. Ashutosh Rana and Divya Dutta’s characters, [Character Names], also have significant roles in the narrative.
The release date of Chhaava, February 14, 2025, holds a special significance as it coincides with a significant event in Indian history. This date was chosen to add an extra layer of authenticity and relevance to the film’s narrative.
Source: Instagram