Akshay Kumar recently revealed that he would collaborate on Bhooth Bangla with renowned filmmaker Priyadarshan. The film, a horror-comedy drama, follows the story of a man who finds himself in a haunted house and must navigate through a series of comedic and spooky encounters. Fans have been anxiously awaiting any updates since then. The wait is now over! Kumar announced on social media that he has officially begun shooting the movie. Additionally, he announced that Bhooth Bangla will be released in theaters on April 2, 2026.
In the recently unveiled poster for Bhooth Bangla, Akshay Kumar is seen holding a lantern in the dark. The lantern, a symbol of light in the darkness, hints at the film’s theme of overcoming fear. Kumar is sitting on the rooftop of a haunted home, wearing a white shirt, a lungi, a blue half-coat, socks and shoes.
The post stated, “eyond excited to be on set with my favourite @priyadarshan.official as we begin the shoot of our horror comedy #BhoothBangla today. Yeh darr aur hasi ka double dose aapke liye ready hoga 2nd April, 2026 ko! Tab tak ke liye aapke best wishes chahiye.”
Balaji Telefilms Ltd., in collaboration with Cape of Good Films, presents Bhooth Bangla. Shobha Kapoor, Ektaa R. Kapoor, and Akshay Kumar produce the film, which Vedant Vikaas Bali and Faara Sheikh co-produce.
Source: Instagram