Abhishek Kapoor’s Azaad, scheduled to be Ajay Devgn’s first release of the year, is a highly anticipated event. The film marks the debut of Rasha Thadani, the daughter of Raveena Tandon, and Aaman Devgan, Devgn’s nephew. The trailer’s release has only heightened the anticipation, with the countdown to its release on the significant date of January 17, 2025, already underway.
The filmmakers posted the trailer for Azaad on all social media sites on January 6. A sneak peek of an upcoming love drama film set in the pre-independence era is provided in the 2:43-minute clip. Ajay Devgn appears in the video as a skilled horse rider who opposes the British troops. Aaman, who learns to ride a horse from him, idolizes him.
Furthermore, Rasha Thadani is seen as a girl from a royal family. Her love angle with Aaman Devgan and Diana Penty, who plays Ajay’s love interest, sparks interest.
Directed by Abhishek Kapoor and produced by Pragya Kapoor and Ronnie Screwvala, Azaad is expected to be a unique cinematic experience. The film’s themes of bravery, love, and devotion are sure to enthrall viewers with its combination of spectacular action and strong emotional impact. Azaad, slated for release on January 17, 2025, is a movie that will make an impact.
Source: Youtube