Recently, actor Ananya Panday shared a glimpse of a joyous occasion-a friend’s Delhi wedding. The photos exude warmth and happiness, especially the one where Janhvi Kapoor and Shikhar Pahariya are seen with Ananya and their group of friends.
On Sunday, Ananya treated her fans with a series of images on her Instagram Stories. In one of the pictures, she looked absolutely adorable in a casual yet chic ensemble, sporting a green sweatshirt and blue jeans.
In the meantime, Shikhar Pahariya and Janhvi Kapoor posed next to one other. The actor looked magnificent in a vibrant red saree, while Shikhar chose a traditional white-and-black outfit. When Ananya captioned the image, “Here for Nikki and Kochi.”
Another image posted on Ananya’s social media shows the star posing with Orry while wearing a black and floral lehenga.
On the professional front, Ananya Panday had a triumphant 2024 with her performances in CTRL and Call Me Bae, both of which received high praise. She is currently gearing up for the release of Chand Mera Dil, where she stars alongside Lakshya.
Source: Instagram