Actor Akshay Kumar posted the letter sent to him by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. In the letter, PM offered his heart-warming condolence on the death of Akshay’s mother, Aruna Bhatia. The actor expressed his gratitude to Prime Minister for his gesture.
Akshay took Twitter to share the letter sent to him by PM Modi. He posted the letter with the caption, “Humbled by condolence messages on mom’s passing, thankful to all. Grateful to Hon’ble PM for this amazing gesture to take out time and express warm feelings for me and my late parents. These comforting words will stay with me forever. Jai Ambe.”
Actor Akshay Kumar was shooting in London for his upcoming movie Cinderella when his mother was in ICU. The actor had rushed to be her. He returned home the very next day and shared an update on social media about her. His mother was admitted to Mumbai’s Hiranandani Hospital.
On September 8, Akshay Kumar shared the news of his mother’s demise on Twitter. He wrote, “She was my core. And today, I feel an unbearable pain at the very core of my existence. My maa Smt Aruna Bhatia peacefully left this world today morning and got reunited with my dad in the other world. I respect your prayers as I and my family go through this period. Om Shanti.”
Akshay was last seen in the spy thriller BellBottom, starring Lara Dutta Bhupathi, Vaani Kapoor and Huma Qureshi. The film was the first Hindi movie to release in theatres after the second wave of Covid-19.
Image Credit: Instagram \ Akshay Kumar.