The next film starring Saif Ali Khan, Jr. NTR, and Janhvi Kapoor is Devara Part 1. Additionally, the makers unveiled the first glimpse of his character Bhaira on the day of his birthday. Along with revealing that the first look will be shared today, the makers of the post also disclosed that it had gone viral.
The makers of Devara shared the poster with Saif Ali Khan from behind on their Twitter account, writing, “Wishing Saif Ali Khan sir a very happy birthday. Catch a tiny glimpse of BHAIRA at 4:05 PM today. #Devara #Bhaira #DevaraOnSep27th”.
Jr. NTR recently revealed that the shoot is now complete. The star posted a photo of himself and director Koratala Siva standing on a set to X. Tarak announced that Devara will be released in September after sharing the image and stating that he shot his last scene for the movie.
Devara, which is helmed by Koratala Siva, means God of the Sun in exact translation. In April 2021, the movie’s official announcement was made.
The highly anticipated second single from the movie, which stars Jr. NTR and Janhvi Kapoor as the leads, was just released by the film’s makers.
Source: Twitter