The 13th season of India’s favourite stunt-based show, Khatron Ke Khiladi, is ready to turn up the danger factor. The 13th season is bolder, bigger and more audacious due to a new theme. The candidates will embark on a journey to face and overcome their fears as part of the program. This year, 14 well-known celebrities will compete against one another in deadly stunts. They have resolved to channel their inner Khiladi. Now that the 14 “Khiladis” are in South Africa, their daring host Rohit Shetty has accompanied them.
Rohit Shetty, the host of Khatron Ke Khiladi season 13, has officially begun filming the highly anticipated new season. He shared a look with his admirers and followers on his social media account. Rohit mentioned in a post that he shared a brief season preview, “Might have started the year with a few broken bones but now gearing up to break a few rules of action!! Khatron ke Khiladi season 13! Filming begins in South Africa. I hope you give us the same love you have been giving us in my past seven seasons.”
Daisy Shah, Sheezan Khan, Dino James, Arjit Taneja, Ruhi Chaturvedi, Rashmeet Kaur, Rohit Bose Roy, Anjum Fakih, Aishwarya Sharma, Shiv Thakare, Anjali Anand, Soundous Mufakir, Archana Gautam and Nyrraa M Banerji are among the 14 contestants in Khatron Ke Khiladi 13. As brave candidates from all walks of life prepare to confront their worst phobias, brace yourself for a heart-pounding experience.
Source: Instagram