The creators of Adipurush recently unveiled new official posters amid heavy criticism. In the movie, Saif Ali Khan, Prabhas, Kriti Sanon, and Sunny Singh play essential roles, which have made headlines for negative reasons. A few months ago, the film’s producers released the official trailer. The various ways Lord Ram and Raavan were portrayed in the movie, among other characters, drew harsh criticism. The movie is once again having legal issues, just like before!
The producers were in legal trouble after releasing their first official trailer since an FIR was lodged against them due to hurting religious sentiments. The new case, though, is now different, and the creators even delayed the premiere date by about six months due to the changes.
A complaint has reportedly been made against the creators of Adipurush, involving director, producer, and artist Om Raut, at the Sakinaka police station in Bombay. According to reports, Ashish Rai and Pankaj Mishra from the Mumbai High Court filed the complaint on Sanjay Dinanath Tiwari’s behalf. In his complaint for hurting Hindus’ religious feelings, the complainant identified himself as a preacher of Sanatan Dharma.
According to a report on India Today, the official complaint claims, “Adipurush has been made on the biography of Maryada Purushottam Shri Ram from the Hindu religion holy book Ramcharitmanas. The holy book Ramcharitmanas holds importance in Hinduism, and Sanatan Dharma has been following this holy book Ramcharitmanas for many ages.”
The complaint further stated, “Adipurush has been made on the biography of Maryada Purushottam Shri Ram from the Hindu religion holy book Ramcharitmanas. The holy book Ramcharitmanas holds importance in Hinduism, and Sanatan Dharma has been following this holy book Ramcharitmanas for many ages. The poster shows Maryadapurushottam Lord Shri Ram in a costume contrary to the natural spirit and nature of Ramcharitmanas mentioned in the Hindu scripture.”
Also, the complaint reportedly claimed that Janeu (sacred thread) was absent from the posters featuring Prabhas, Sunny Singh, and other actors.
On June 16, 2023, Adipurush is expected to be released on screens.
Source: India Today