In the upcoming movie “NRI Wives- Grey Stories of Love Vs Desires,” actress Aditi Govitrikar, most recently featured in the second season of the Netflix series “Mismatched,” will reprise her role. The movie is scheduled to open in theatres close to you on May 26, 2023.
The actress playing the role of one of the NRI wives talked about the film and said, “Our film NRI Wives is all about grey stories. It focuses on how empowering it is for women to have a choice.”
“If you are a good person, it does not mean you cannot make mistakes. The film shows why some women cross that borderline in their relationship,” added Aditi.
The movie is based on four true anecdotes about NRI life, demonstrating how even excellent individuals can exhibit grey areas in unusual situations.
Kiku Sharda, Raima Sen, Bhagyashree, and Samir Soni play the main characters in this Vibhu Kashyap, Ray Khan, and Gunjan Kuthiala film. Jugal Hansraj, Hiten Tejwani, Sadiya Siddiqui, and Javed Pathan are also included.
The movie is scheduled to premiere on May 26, 2023.
Source: News Desk