Actress Kajol, who frequently shared amusing postings with her followers, said she is taking a break from social media. Kajol stated on Twitter and Instagram that she is quitting using social media. Her message confused her followers; some thought it was a promotional trick.
The actress posted a photo of a text. The text stated, “Facing one of the toughest trails of my life.” She posted it on her Instagram and Twitter accounts and said, “Taking a break from social media.”
Her fans expressed concern soon after she made the statement. A follower wrote, “Take your time, queen; hope you are fine there. Sending you lots of love and hugs. We will always be here for you. We love you, queen.” Another one said, “Hey, Kajol hope you are fine, baby; sending you soo much love and hugs.” While one commented, “This a promotional strategy for her next OTT series, The Good Wife.”
Source: Instagram