Recently, Reliance Entertainment revealed Section 84, a courtroom drama thriller directed by Ribhu Dasgupta, which will be released in association with Jio Studios, Film Hangar, and Saraswati Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. and star the legendary Amitabh Bachchan. Diana Penty has since joined the cast as well.
Welcoming Diana Penty on-board courtroom drama, the official handle of Reliance Entertainment shared, “#DianaPenty joins the cast of #Section84 headlined by #AmitabhBachchan Sir. Written and Directed by #RibhuDasgupta. @amitabhbachchan @dianapenty @ribhu_dasgupta @reliance.entertainment @filmhangar @officialjiostudios @vivekbagrawal @samchoprs”
After the critically acclaimed success of Yudh and Te3n, this movie would be the third collaboration between iconic actor Amitabh Bachchan and Ribhu Dasgupta.
Actress Diana Penty also confirmed the same. She shared a picture of the script and wrote, “Can’t tell you just how excited I am about this one! A dream comes true to be sharing screen space with the one and only @amitabhbachchan @ribhu_dasgupta. Thank you for having me on board! I can’t wait to get this started!#Section84 @reliance.entertainment @filmhangar @officialjiostudios @vivekbagrawal @samchoprs”
Reliance Entertainment, Film Hangar, and Saraswati Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. collaborated to produce Section 84, presented by Jio Studios, in conjunction with Reliance Entertainment. Ribhu Dasgupta will both write and direct the movie.
Source: Social Media