Shah Rukh Khan has been praised by director Anurag Kashyap, who refers to him as “the man with the strongest spine.” Anurag claimed in a recent interview that Shah Rukh “kept silent through everything” and spoke about his work on his latest film, Pathaan. Anurag said that the crowd was in a state of euphoria over Pathaan, which he described as being outstanding.
Pathaan, Shah Rukh Khan’s most recent film, has been setting and breaking domestic and international records. Taran Adarsh, a trade analyst, estimates that Pathaan made $429 crore worldwide, 164 crores overseas and 265 crores in India. Viewers have responded overwhelmingly to Pathaan, and Shah Rukh’s fans worldwide have enthusiastically welcomed the actor back to his film after four years.
Anurag stated in an interview with Mid-Day, “People are coming back to the cinema, and people are coming back and dancing on screen. People are euphoric about the movie. There is euphoria, and this euphoria is beautiful. This euphoria was missing. This euphoria is also socio-political; it is like making a statement.”
The director added, “The man with the strongest spine, the most resilient and integrity who has kept quiet through everything he has spoken. He has spoken onscreen with his work, and it is beautiful. He spoke loudly on screen. I understand what he teaches, ‘Speak with your work, and don’t talk unnecessarily’. He is who he is, and you can see why.”
Deepika Padukone, Shah Rukhn and John Abraham play the leading roles in Siddharth Anand’s Pathaan. In the action spy movie, which debuted in theatres on January 25, Ashutosh Rana and Dimple Kapadia also play essential roles. Salman Khan’s appearance in the film Tiger is one of its main attractions. Pathaan made 57 crore net on its first day of business in India after receiving an overwhelming response from viewers.
Source: Mid-Day