In the upcoming rom-com movie by Luv Ranjan, Ranbir Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor will share screen time for the first time. The movie generated a lot of buzzes yesterday when its creators teased fans with the film’s initials and then urged them to guess the name. With a random guess, Alia Bhatt came up with a humorous title for the film. The film’s title was finally revealed in a teaser as “Main Jhoothi Tu Makkaar,” so Alia Bhatt reacted.
If you didn’t see it, Alia Bhatt reposted Shraddha Kapoor’s post about the movie’s initials on her Instagram story yesterday. She also offered the name “Tingle Jingle mingle mingle.” A humorous teaser trailer that also provided a peek at Shraddha and Ranbir’s characters was released by the film’s creators just a few hours ago, revealing the title “Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar.” Although Alia’s guess was way off, she responded to the teaser and joked that it was close.
Alia posted the teaser to her Instagram account with the caption, “Okay, I think my guess was pretty close #justsaying CANT WAIT for this one #TuJhoothiMainMakkaar.”
In the meantime, the filmmakers presented the first poster for Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar. Ranbir is pictured in a blue shirt and white pants on the poster, while Shraddha is sporting a pink mini-dress. Shraddha posted the poster and said, “#TuJhoothiMainMakkaar Nautanki > Couple Goals.”
Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar, directed by Luv Ranjan, has Shraddha and Ranbir Kapoor in significant roles, and Boney Kapoor and Dimple Kapadia both play essential roles in the movie. The movie will premiere on theatre screens on March 8, 2023, the day before Holi.
Source: Instagram