After the blockbuster hit The Kashmir Files, filmmaker Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri kick-starts the shoot for The Vaccine War in Lucknow.
Sharing a picture of the script, clap and first-day ceremony on his social media, filmmaker Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri captioned it, “GM. We live for new things. New happiness. New laughter. New challenges. Yet, we feel comfortable in the old & established and stick to it. This contradiction causes suffering. The fastest and surest way to find happiness is: Jump into uncertainty. The unknown. #CreativeConsciousness.”
The film chronicles the triumph and tribulations of our excellent bioscientists. The vaccine war is a tribute to their sacrifice, dedication, and hard work during the pandemic.
It will release on 15 Aug 2023 in 11 languages. The film is bankrolled by Pallavi Joshi and Abhishek Agarwal, who will be releasing The Vaccine War throughout the country through his Abhishek Agarwal Arts banner.
Apart from pandemic drama, Vivek is also prepping for the third instalment in Files Trilogy, The Delhi Files, based on the 1984 anti-Sikh riots. Vivek hopes to open up the long-suppressed cases of the carnage of the Sikh community after Mrs Gandhi’s assassination.
Source: Social Media