The 1990s saw the birth of a new genre of rock music. As the 1980s era of Glam rock music was coming to an end, In Seattle New wave of music was waiting to explode in the mainstream. The new wave was called Grunge. As the underground music scene in Seattle was getting prominence New bands were emerging. Till the 1990s mainstream rock music was dominated by Glam and Metal bands likes of , Aerosmith, Def Leppard, and Guns n roses. In 1990 Metallica released their Highly-Anticipated Album Black which was well received by their fans and music critic.
After their second album Nevermind. Nevermind brought Nirvana mainstream success which no band from Seattle has ever seen before. Smells like teen spirit became the first Mega hit that was played on MTV for more than two years. Other singles Hits singles like come as you are, In a boom, Lithium all straight went to positions top Ten Rock Charts. and Nirvana Became New Icon of Rock. Nevermind not only brought Mega success to Nirvana but also brought Grunge as a genre of rock into mainstream music. Following success of Nirvana, another Grunge band from Seattle Pearl Jam released their debut album TEN in 1992. Ten had many hit singles like Once, Even Flow the most famous Hit of Pearl Jam till Date Jeremy. Following the Success of TEN, Pearl Jam were called the new Grunge Superstars along with Nirvana.
Following success of Nevermind Nirvana released its Third Studio Album In utero in 1993 In utero had hits like Pennyroyal Tea, Serve the servants, Heart-Shaped Box. The album was a massive hit in USA. But due to Excessive media coverage Kurt Cobain had trouble handling the fame and success. Sadly on April 5,1994 Nirvana Frontman and Guitarist Kurt Cobain committed suicide in his home.