Varun Dhawan, an actor, recently travelled to Abu Dhabi and has revealed intriguing information about his eagerly anticipated series Citadel. The series, directed by Raj & DK, will also mainly feature Samantha Ruth Prabhu. Citadel, starring Priyanka Chopra and Richard Madden, was just launched on an OTT platform and greatly impressed viewers. They are now looking forward to watching Varun and Samantha’s series. Recently, Varun shared that he would soon be travelling to Serbia to film action scenes.
Varun was enthusiastic about working on Citadel when he spoke to PTI. He also mentioned that the audience had not seen anything like it in India. Varun stated, “It has been amazing working on it. We will be filming in Serbia, and we have a month-long schedule over there with a lot of action. It is a very big series, nothing like people have seen in India yet.” He continued by referring to Samantha as “one of the hardest working actors.”
He further stated, “The makers are pushing the envelope. Samantha and I can’t be doing something mediocre, and she is one of the hardest-working actors.” The actor even discussed his forthcoming movie, Bawaal. For the first time, Varun will be seen on-screen with Janhvi Kapoor.
Source: PTI