Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan, a Bollywood power couple, have released a new coffee table book titled “My Life in a Design.” The book highlights Gauri’s journey as an interior designer and includes images of their Mannat home and their family, which includes their three children, Aryan, Suhana, and AbRam. SRK was generous and supportive of his wife as she published her new book. The couple revealed certain things at the launch event. Shah Rukh Khan is currently one of the biggest stars in Bollywood, but another family member is busier than he is.
At the occasion, the Pathaan actor was pictured enjoying a moment of pride as he unveiled Gauri Khan’s new coffee table. He mentioned how Gauri has a busy schedule and is, therefore, busier than he is, but there is another member of the family who is busier than the actor. Gauri, Aryan, Suhana, and Shah Rukh Khan are all pursuing careers in their unique ways. SRK acknowledged that, in contrast to him, their children Aryan and Suhana Khan, Gauri Khan is the busiest member in their home. Shah Rukh wonders what she does the whole day, and she continues to take on so much work. Shah Rukh Khan later understood that she was satisfied with her work, and he believed this book represented that.
Aryan Khan is more busy than his father, Shah Rukh Khan, according to Gauri Khan. She disclosed, “It was easier to get Shah Rukh’s date, but it was difficult.” Aryan Khan has launched D’YAVOL X, a high-end streetwear brand. After completing the writing phase, he directs his first web series. As a result, we now know that Aryan Khan is the family’s busiest man and that Gauri Khan is the busiest. Aside from that, Shah Rukh Khan added that despite their hectic schedules, they still find time to have dinner together in Mumbai.
Source: News Desk