At the French Embassy in New Delhi, Anushka Sharma and cricketing legend Virat Kohli, who never fails to turn heads with their chemistry, met Emmanuel Lenin, the ambassador of France to India. Emmanuel Lenin used his Twitter account to share the photo with the couple. He captioned, “A pleasure meeting @imVkohli and @AnushkaSharma! I wished Virat & #TeamIndia all the best for the upcoming tournaments and discussed Anushka’s trip to #CannesFilmFestival.”
Anushka Sharma is anticipated to attend the Cannes Film Event in 2023 with other well-known celebrities. Thus, Emmanuel mentioned her travel to the event.
The couple landed in Delhi before the forthcoming cricket match on May 6; however, Virat has recently been in the news due to an argument with Gautam Gambhir. The expert captain could take a break and spend time with his wife despite his hectic schedule. Their loving relationship is evident in the sweet snapshot Virat uploaded from their Delhi vacation. He shared a picture with his wife on Instagram and wrote, “Out and about in Delhi @anushkasharma.” The couple is seen seated in the car, looking adorable in the picture.